Our Program

Providing wrap-around services to UH deep-tech startup entrepreneurs

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Benefits & OUTCOMES

HITIDE provides customized education, guidance and networking opportunities that complement and support the demands and experiences of academic entrepreneurs. Developing and advancing technology is a windy road, and we are here to provide UH-affiliated startups with the right tools and resources to navigate their innovation journeys.

Through HITIDE, program participants will strengthen their business foundation and advance technology development and commercialization by:
- Identifying and confirming their technology's product market fit;
- Securing a contract and/or federal grant to fund product development;
- Growing their network of innovators, experts and partners; and
- Connecting to a growth accelerator to scale their business.


Enhance entrepreneurship skills and mindset through a tailored curriculum to navigate the customer discovery process and develop a business model canvas with NSF I-Corps, and tailored programming with industry experts.  

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Receive personalized, 1:1 support from a curated pool of program coaches, industry mentors and subject matter experts aligned to help build and grow your startup company.

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Access up to $50K in non-dilutive funding from OIC ($25K milestone-based seed funding + up to $25K upon securing a matching grant from Hawaii Technology Development Corporation), as well as additional funding opportunities through grant-writing education, partner and investor connections. 

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Expand your local and global network of fellow deep-tech innovators, entrepreneurs, mentors and investors through events and connections through program partner MassChallenge and community collaborators such as Hawaii Technology Development Corporation (HTDC) and Elemental Excelerator.

Guiseppe Tori
As an academic, I am particularly excited to participate in a program that has academics in mind.
- Giuseppe Torri
Ari Rahman
Since joining this program, I feel there is always someone to seek guidance while making critical business choices.
- Arif Rahman
Kevin Davies
This program has been critical in helping me navigate and gain confidence in the entrepreneurship journey.
-  Kevin Davies



Phase 2

phase 3

phase 4

(4-6 weeks)
Startup Evaluations
Mentor Matchmaking
Team Building
Mission, Vision, Values

(5 weeks)
Customer Discovery
Commercial Potential
Business Model Development

(4-6 weeks)
Business Strategy
Financial Modeling
Sales & Marketing
Scale & Operations
SBIR/STTR Guidance & Training

(3-4 weeks+)
Media Training
Business Pitches
PR Opportunities
Tech Showcase
Long-Term Goal Setting

Mentoring, coaching and guidance is ongoing.


James Deane

James Deane


George Yarbrough

George Yarbrough

Associate Director, Entrepreneurship Programs

Victoria Treviño

Victoria Treviño

Coordinator, Entrepreneurship Programs